Family & Children’s Ministry

Children and families are invited to grow in their faith together, learning about Christ in enjoyable and impactful ways to encourage spiritual development for young minds. Our ministry seeks to nourish the fruit of God’s calling on you as a family and guide children toward a faith-filled life.

“All your children will be taught by the Lord,

and great will be their peace.”

-Isaiah 54:13

First Presbyterian Church recognizes the charge we have as Christians to tell to the coming generations the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. (Psalm 78:4)

Our Sunday School programs strive to fulfill that charge, providing an opportunity for children to learn the fundamentals of our faith and to share in Christian fellowship.

Our Mission

Sunday School

Sunday Learning Groups are available for children in preschool through 4th grade at 9 a.m. in Faith Village, located in the lower level of the church. Learning groups do not meet during the summer months of June, July, and August. Nursery care is provided on the Main Level.

Children’s Church

All ages are welcome in worship. A staffed nursery is open for infant through preschool ages during our Sunday service. Elementary children are accompanied from the Sanctuary at a designated time during the service for Children’s Church in the Faith N’ Friends area across from the nursery.

Interested in taking the next step in your child’s faith journey? Connect with Stephanie Loudon, Director of Family & Children’s Ministry, to learn more about our programming and how you can get involved.